Spinal Decompression

Spinal Decompression
Discover the Benefits of Spinal Decompression Therapy

At Core Wellness Centre in Toronto, we offer spinal decompression therapy as a non-surgical solution for spinal disorders, including herniated and bulging discs in the neck and lower back.

If you're experiencing back, neck, arm, or leg pain, our spinal decompression therapy program may provide relief from your symptoms.

Combat chronic back pain and herniated discs with our specialized treatment plans designed to address your specific needs.

Dr. Kris leads our spinal decompression therapy treatment, utilizing gentle non-surgical procedures to alleviate lower back and neck pain associated with conditions such as bulging, herniated, or degenerative disc disease, spinal arthritis, spinal stenosis, nerve root pressure, muscle atrophy, weakness, radiating nerve pain, tingling, and numbness.

Experience the efficacy of shockwave therapy for pain relief, offered as part of our comprehensive treatment approach.

We employ the DOC Cervical/Lumbar Spinal Decompression Table, a cutting-edge, computerized system recognized as one of the most advanced decompression technologies available. Dr. Kris's extensive training combined with the table's sophisticated 3-dimensional traction system technology ensures the success of our spinal decompression therapy.

Take control of your spinal health and reclaim your comfort and mobility with our state-of-the-art spinal decompression therapy at Core Wellness Centre.
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