General Information

Country: Canada (local time:)
Address:221 10 Ave SE #100, Calgary, AB T2G 0V9


221 10 Ave SE #100, Calgary, AB T2G 0V9



Business Summary
Do you need support for your business, but cant find the right person? Do you need additional resources, but dont have the budget? This is where The Virtual Gurus can help. Were the leading provider of virtual assistants in Canada. We provide businesses of all sizes with the opportunity to bring in a highly-qualified and professional remote worker who can help you with your business. We dont just hire anyone. Our internal team vet through more than 18,000 potential virtual assistants, only to hire the top 3%, as we only believe in offering the best people for the job. Whether you need a medical assistant, an executive assistant, a real estate assistant, or any additional support, our matchmaking algorithms can find the right person for your business. Our service is available throughout Canada, including Calgary, Vancouver, Toronto, Ottawa and Edmonton. Save time and money with our virtual assistants. Contact The Virtual Gurus today.
Business Keywords
Virtual assistant Virtual assistant Canada Virtual assistant Calgary
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
not complete
Work Time:
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Website Rank
- visit: 872


Product & Services

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