General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Address:1968 S. Coast Hwy #499


1968 S. Coast Hwy #499



Business Summary
TechnoScore has been steering the IT industry since 1999 as a prominent tech support provider for businesses. We offer a range of services, including website development, mobile app development, .NET application development, eCommerce development, Blockchain development, CMS development, and many more. Our dedicated team of 150+ in-house developers strives to provide digital solutions that add value to clients’ workflow and brand image. Clients can hire eCommerce developers, web and app developers, CMS developers, and developers with expertise in other technologies from our team while saving up to 70% of the costs. We have delivered over 5500 projects for different industry verticals in a short turnaround time. With innovative web development services, we cater to a global clientele, including start-ups, product companies, SMEs, and government agencies from the USA, UK, Europe, the Middle East, and India. We have delivered impeccable digital solutions for healthcare, eCommerce, retail
Business Keywords
web development company, mobile app development company, software development company
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
not complete
Work Time:
not complete
Website Rank
- visit: 1696


Product & Services

not complete

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