General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 3107208125
Address:11567 Santa Monica Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90025




Business Summary
A personal trainer in Los Angeles & certified nutrition coach, Shawn Phillips' holistic training program focuses on fat loss, energy & hormone imbalances. As a holistic nutrition coach, his approach to training includes an educational foundation. You’ll learn long-term strategies for eating well, managing stress, & leading the life you want. Call now for a free consultation! Shawn is an online nutrition coach consultant & provides fitness phone consultations to fit your busy schedule. He also provides in home personal trainer for Santa Monica, Los Angeles, Beverly Hills & surrounding areas, nutrition counseling, lab testing and more. Hailed as one of the best celebrity personal trainers in Los Angeles area, let's discuss your needs!
Business Keywords
Personal trainer, Personal Training, online personal trainer nutrition coach, In Home Training, Holistic Life Coaching, Lab Testing.
General Information
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Year established:
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Website Rank
- visit: 91


Product & Services

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