General Information

Country: China (local time:)
Address:Nyangra Road, Xinfu xincun, 89, Lhasa




Business Summary
Tibet Shambhala Adventure is a wholly Tibetan-owned adventure travel company based in Lhasa. All our staff — including the office workers, Tibet travel guides, drivers, and cooks — are Tibetans. We specialize in Tibet trekking tour, Kailash pilgrimage tour, small peak climbing, Tibet motorbiking and mountain biking tour. We also venture to remote, less visited parts of the Tibetan world or offer tailor-made unique Tibet tours throughout the region for those who want to get off the beaten track using horses or yak to carry the luggage. Our company has had many years of experience in arranging all travel needs, including all the necessary Tibet travel permits and visa documentation. We also arrange domestic flights and train tickets outside Lhasa as well as international flight tickets outside China. We aid in the provision of Tibet travel permits for the tour to Tibet and help tourists to enter Tibet.
Business Keywords
best tibet tour company, tibet tour operator, planning a trip to tibet, everest base camp tibet, tibet everest base camp tour, tibet everest base camp trek, mount kailash pilgrimage tour, mt kailash pilgrimage tour, tibet kailash tour, tibet adventure tour, tibet adventure travel, tibet family tours, tibet festival tours
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
not complete
Work Time:
not complete
Website Rank
- visit: 1252


Product & Services

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