General Information

Country: France (local time:)
Address:22 rue du Docteur Honorat, 04000 Digne-les-Bains




Business Summary
Phone 2 : 07 71 00 93 79 A duo passionate about life in all the richness it includes, from creation to sensory, energetic and intuitive subtleties, we live the dimension of the sacred in our daily life intrinsically. Entrepreneurs bursting with ideas and avant-garde, it is with fervor that they united in their know-how and their ambition to participate in a more conscious world. Intuitive and far-sighted, we wanted to offer a state of being that we live every moment, a deep spirituality, billions of years old, which is not dissociated from us by any categorical name but which simply comes to be inserted into all the unity that we are individually and in our duo. Deeply human, it is naturally that we accompany everyone towards their own revelation of the sacred, towards their inner world and their own riches. This goes beyond our job, we vibrate by our soul and all our senses each of the projects that you entrust to us to be at the fairest of your essence of being. Each event and pr
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General Information
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Website Rank
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