General Information

Country: United Kingdom (local time:)
Address:Unit 50, Ransom Wood Business Park Mansfield ,Nottinghamshire ,NG21 0HJ




Business Summary
Ric Fusion Mattress is one mattress that can be slept on either side, giving you the choice of how soft or firm you like your Mattress. Where other brands of memory foam mattresses are made from one block of foam with a topper, we have created two unique memory foam blocks and have infused them together to create one single block. Both blocks of foam are 10 cm each in-depth and a total of 20cm when infused together. These two foams are very similar to one another other than one side is firmer than the other. The Softer Side of the Ric Fusion mattress is 6 to 7 out of 10 firms. (10 being the firmest) this side of the fusion mattress gives the right amount of bounce, support and compression and is ideal for people who demand a luxurious and comfortable memory foam mattress, it has a 2.5 cm thick layer of the Ric Fusion topper that is breathable and heat resistance and is nice and comfortable and not too firm. ||Payment Types Accepted: Credit/Debit Card
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