General Information

Country: Australia (local time:)
Phone: 1300 722 797
Address:27/101 Collins St




Business Summary
Proskill was created to improve the quality of like of professional outdoor workers being the first to introduce workpants with built in kneepads to Australia. Our impact It takes a lot of water, CO2 and then often clothes end up in landfill The longer workwear lasts the more we can save in water, CO2 and landfill. With Workwear lasting longer the better our planet for our kids – something we all work hard for! Environmentally Conscious That’s the conversation you want to have with your environmentally conscious child at the dinner table. To boot because Mascot doesn’t know how to wear out a lot of money can be saved as well so customers can spend it on tools, their partners friends and families instead! But something we really love is when we walk into a work place or work site and see all the staff looking and feeling great with big smiles on their faces! The pride and professional and hearing them tell us every day how they get compliments from their customers, their colleague
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General Information
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Website Rank
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