General Information

Country: New Zealand (local time:)
Phone: 0800277672
Country: New Zealand
Address:19 Jasper Place, Milson, Palmerston North 4414, New Zealand




Business Summary
Prosan Limited sells hand dryers and bathroom consumables throughout New Zealand, Australia and the Pacific Here at Prosan Limited we believe that hygiene is important across all workplaces, and at all tiers of the workforce. With this in mind, we are committed to bringing to you high quality products at affordable prices while driving down overall business expenditure on daily washroom requirements. Our distribution centre is based in Palmerston North and offer the widest range of hand dryers in New Zealand, so we are sure to be able to source the product best suited to your workplace requirements. We offer many environmentally friendly, cost-effective options, and are proud of our ability to lower environmental impact through quality hygiene and sanitation products.
Business Keywords
baby change table nz, baby changing table, change table, change table nz, changing table, changing table nz, dyson airblade, dyson hand dryer, hand dryer, hand dryers, hand dryers nz,
General Information
Type of Business:
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Year established:
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Website Rank
- visit: 326


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Product & Services

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