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Country: United States (local time:)
Address:830 3rd Ave New York, NY 10022




Business Summary
Probate lawyers are professional lawyers having vast experience and expertise in providing knowledgeable probate law representation. Having years of experience in probate law and court matters, these lawyers will work with you hand in hand to achieve your estate goals. Duties of probate lawyers All the steps involved in a probate process depend on the probate laws of the State. The steps will also differ based on whether the decedent died leaving a valid last will and testament, testate — or he died leaving no valid last will or trust, i.e. intestate. In either situations, probate lawyers are more than capable in handling probate. A probate lawyer may be hired by either the fiduciary or beneficiaries, or both parties, when certain matters arise during the course of probate, or when the heirs and family members do not get along well with or trust the fiduciary. Some probate lawyers also specialize in distinct lawsuits more or less associated with probate. For example, a potential benefi
Business Keywords
Probate attorney, probate attorney near me, probate lawyer, probate lawyer near me, best probate attorney, best probate attorney near me, best probate lawyer, best probate lawyer near me, Manhattan, NYC, NY
General Information
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