General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 215.731.9900
Country: United States
Address:370 Farwood Rd




Business Summary
If you are not able to come to us because of your disability, we will not hesitate to come to you. Our disability lawyers in philadelphia PA are available to handle cases. Moreover, due to the nature of long term disability representation, distance is often no barrier to effective representation. Located in Pennsylvania, Keith Martin - disability lawyer in Philadelphia has been able to represent countless individuals nationwide. To schedule a free initial consultation, call 215-858-8440, toll free 800-887-4529 or contact us online. At Edelstein Martin & Nelson, LLP, our disability lawyers take great pride in our long term disability denial strong track record of successful disability insurance cases. We have obtained many large lump sum settlements on behalf of our disabled clients. If you have been denied a claim for disability insurance or simply have questions about your policy contact our skilled disability lawyers at (215)-858-8440. We advise clients in Philadelphia’s Tri-State A
Business Keywords
disability insurance claims, Individual and group disability, Individual insurance, ERISA claims, Insurance bad faith claims, Lump sum buyouts, insurance disability claims
General Information
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