General Information

Country: India (local time:)
Address:811, Runway Heights, 150 Feet Ring Rd, Rajkot, Gujarat 360005




Business Summary
Parth has more than a decade of experience being a holistic life coach and knows what ails a person as they seek advice and help. He knows that counselling and empathizing with the person will not yield the necessary results. Having secured a Ph.D. in alternative medicine along with an MD (A), DAM, TPYI, and CMBA apart from 27+ educational programs and training courses, he definitely uses his insight to get to the depths of the issue and improve an individual’s quality of life. Parth Vyas has delved into the psyche of such people and made use of sound healing meditation to heal and nurture their souls while uplifting their energy levels. This unique technique uses various binaural beat frequencies that affect both conscious and subconscious states of the mind, enabling new neuro pathways in the body. With a first-hand experience in healing and living the life of abundance, Parth Vyas is your quintessential wellness coach who has trained millions of people in aligning their energies. Wo
Business Keywords
Daily meditation habit, parthvyas , guided meditation, sound healing , online meditation program, Wellness program
General Information
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