General Information

Country: Australia (local time:)
Phone: 359402868
Address:5/81 Baldhill Road




Business Summary
Pakenham Western Wear and Saddlery is Melbourne’s home of saddlery, menswear, womenswear, kids western wear and much more. From hats and accessories to jewellery and stable products, Pakenham Western Wear and Saddlery can assist you. Come to Pakenham Western Wear and Saddlery for saddle pads, bridles, reins, bits, halters, leads, leg protection, spurs, straps, saddles, training gear, and much more. You can also get all the boots, jeans, shirts, outerwear, belts, dresses, and skirts you need. The accessories available include Bolo ties, handbags, wallets, and gear bags, while a range of felt hats, straw hats, caps, and jewellery are also available. The stable and grooming range from Pakenham Western Wear and Saddlery includes rugs, coat cares, and feeders. Visit Pakenham Western Wear and Saddlery today, give the team a call, or pick up a gift card for a loved one.
Business Keywords
saddlery, ringers western, ariat boots, akubra hats, cowboy hats, western bridle
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
not complete
Work Time:
not complete
Website Rank
- visit: 417


Product & Services

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