General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 412-321-5096
Address:3961 Perrysville Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15214




Business Summary
I was a Chiropractic patient in 1999 while employed as a Certified Athletic Trainer working at NovaCare Physical Therapy in Ft. Mitchell, KY. I was X-rayed by the Chiropractor. Received 24 adjustments/treatments. Re X-rayed and then given a report of findings comparing the before and after X-rays. It looked like two different skeletons of two different people the corrections the Dr. made were very noticeable to the untrained eye. It was then that I knew Chiropractic was how I wanted to treat people and help them get well. I drove Semi while I took Organic Chemistry and Physics (the two classes I needed to meet Chiropractor College entry requirements at Logan College of Chiropractic). And while studying at Logan Chiropractic I obtained State Licensure as a Certified Athletic Trainer and worked to earn money to support my habit of a Chiropractic Education.
Business Keywords
Observatory Hill Chiropractic, Pittsburgh Chiropractor, Spinal manipulation, Manual lymphatic, Electrotherapy, Therapeutic Exercise, Joint mobilization, Weight loss
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
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Website Rank
- visit: 1100


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