General Information

Country: Costa Rica (local time:)
Address:NOMADUX, 901, Torres Paseo Col?n, Avenida Central, San José, Costa Rica




Business Summary
Nomadux is a nearshore business solution provider specializing in the real estate industry. We provide business solutions to real estate companies in USA. Our services include outbound and inbound cold calling agents, lead managers, acquisition managers, texting agents and virtual assistant services. We specialize in providing high-quality service at a low cost. We handle lead generation and management solutions that will save time and cost for businesses. Our low-cost solution makes us an ideal choice for any size of business. Outsource your business development needs and focus on the essential tasks to take our real estate business to the next level. We can customize solution to suit your specific needs. Using the best techniques and methods, we ensure that our clients get the desired results. Our team is trained and they can speak English in US accent. Some are US citizens while others have been trained to speak in their native accent.
Business Keywords
General Information
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Year established:
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Website Rank
- visit: 291


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