General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Address:PO Box 2448 Mesa, AZ 85214




Business Summary
Welcome to Near Zero, home to ultra-lightweight, high-quality, and affordable, camping gear that allows adventurists to take a load off. Scott Jensen established Near Zero in pursuit of his American dream: to own a business that would help others enjoy nature as much as he does. Scott’s love for the outdoors stems from fond memories spending countless nights under the stars as a Boy Scout, as well as adventuring with his five brothers and their father, Dean. Dean, an avid outdoorsman and backpacker, was not only known to religiously weigh each piece of gear before an outing but also to hike a mile from his home for an impromptu overnighter in the Arizona desert, just to test out new gear. As Scott continued his father’s legacy of exploring the outdoors with his own five kids, he saw the need in the outdoor space for ultra-light gear that was not only light on his back but also easy on a budget. So often in the outdoor industry, the less a product weighs, the more it’ll cost. And that c
Business Keywords
2-Person Ultralight Tent,3-Person Lightweight Tent,Rechargeable Motion Sensor Headlight,3P Footprint/Ground Tarp for 3 Person Tent,Ultralight Inflatable Camping Pillow,Titanium Long Handle Spork,Mini Stove,Titanium Pot
General Information
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Website Rank
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