General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Address:17791 Sky Park Cir STE A, Irvine, California, 92614




Business Summary
At Monarch Diagnostic Inc, we know you have a lot of choices when it comes to lab services. We want to help you make the right decision, and that starts with trust. We're proud to be certified by the most trusted laboratory organizations—and we're confident in our results. You can trust that your test results will be accurate and that we'll work with you to ensure that they stay that way. Our team is committed to providing exceptional patient care, so we take each test personally—from the moment your sample is collected until your final report is ready. We want you to know how much we care about your health and privacy, so we're proud of our industry-leading certification standards for HIPPA compliance and OSHA safety protocols (including bloodborne pathogens). At Monarch Diagnostics, every person working on your behalf is dedicated to providing excellent production testing in Irvine, CA at every step of the process. Call us!
Business Keywords
Covid-19 testing, covid testing, travel testing, production testing, concierge testing
General Information
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Website Rank
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