General Information

Country: Canada (local time:)
Phone: 204-369-5825
Address:1 Winnora ave, Rennie, MB R0E 1R0




Business Summary
Joe was born and raised in an Italian kitchen alongside his mom and grandmother, who were considered some of the best Italian cooks in the country. After 50 years of honing his craft, specializing in Mediterranean and southern Italian cooking with a global influence having spent over 20 years traveling the world cooking alongside some of the best chefs in their respective cultures, Joe still find myself learning every day. He truly love’s what does. He said “There is nothing like watching customers enjoying a great meal with at home service”. Joe and his team also provides catering services for a special occasion at the customers homes or at a venue wedding, anniversary or group gathering. Providing simple and tasty menus be it for big groups or a nice dinner evening at the restaurant. So come on down to his little humble cafe/restaurant and enjoy a great meal.
Business Keywords
Restaurant, Pizza, eatery, italian restaurant
General Information
Type of Business:
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Year established:
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Work Time:
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Website Rank
- visit: 125


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Product & Services

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