General Information

Country: Korea, South (local time:)
Phone: 041-353-8731
Address:2nd floor, 31 Daehoman-ro Dangjin-si Chungcheongnam-do




Business Summary
From the 'Agenda 21' in 1992 to the 'Global 2030 Agenda' represented by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, the international community has We are continuing our efforts for sustainable development. In addition, in December of the same year, the 'Paris Agreement' for the new climate regime after 2020 was adopted, and the 'New Urban Agenda (NUA)' was established as a result of the Habitat III meeting in 2016. It has consistently emphasized that making 'cities', the home of human life, through a series of processes, such as establishment, is a key task to achieve global sustainable development. At the same time as interest in creating sustainable cities is increasing worldwide, interest in the experience and role of local governments, which are key actors in managing 'urban sustainability', as well as the network of local governments is growing. As the world's largest network of local governments with a special focus on sustainability, ICLEI makes it a priority to help loca
Business Keywords
이클레이, 글로벌기후에너지시장협약, 지속가능공공구매, 생태교통, 생물다양성
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Website Rank
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