General Information

Country: Brazil (local time:)
Phone: 551130902644
Address:Alameda Rio Negro, 503, Sala 2020




Business Summary
This is Gria, a company made by people who believe in people and use their technology and data to create bridges and uniquely bring new job opportunities. We just can't get over it. We know that selection processes are inefficient for companies and unbearable for applicants. We are aware of the fact that, although there are excellent learning resources, people have trouble identifying what they need to revamp their careers. That's why we're bringing a fresh look to careers and to the way we find and develop professionals that companies are looking for. For us, evolving and fitting in, especially at work, is essential so that people can contribute to companies and vice versa. To help with this, we've built our platform from the ground up, thinking about how to promote the best way to see and understand people to connect them with the right company. We’ve reduced distances between companies and professionals, simplifying and potentializing different steps of the selection process, pro
Business Keywords
Hr, Tech, Culture, Data Processing, Data Analytics, Professional Resume, Careers Planning, Software As A Service, Recruitment Solutions, Corporate Training
General Information
Type of Business:
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Year established:
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Work Time:
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Website Rank
- visit: 63


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Product & Services

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