General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 8184234133
Country: United States
Address:126 N Brand Blvd




Business Summary
Glendale Lawn Pros is family owned and operated, and we take tremendous pride in our work. Your satisfaction is our number one priority! ​Lawn maintenance and caring for your yard can be very time consuming and take a lot of hard work; much more than you may realize. Although you might want the best possible lawn, it could well be hard to find the time needed to tackle the many tasks involved. But this is where we come to your rescue, in more ways than one. We have the experience and expertise to meet all of your lawn care and yard care needs. We also save you time, so you don’t need to try and stuff lawn maintenance and yard work into your already busy work schedule. At the end of day, that's what it is all about for us, and why we always strive to offer the best and most professional lawn maintenance and landscaping services. We are an independent business that provides the best gardening services and landscaping in Glendale, CA. We have over 20 years of combined experience and ca
Business Keywords
Lawn, Glendale, Weed Removal, Aeration, Fertilization, Mowing and Edging, Shrub and Hedge Trimming, Weed Removal and Control, Fertilization, Aeration, Lawn Clean and Hauling, Glendale,
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
not complete
Work Time:
not complete
Website Rank
- visit: 1580


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