General Information

Country: Ukraine (local time:)
Address:33 T. Shevchenko blvd, 11 th floor Kiev, Ukraine




Business Summary
Edenlab is a custom software and product development company with a primary focus on healthcare data interoperability based on the HL7 FHIR standard. We are proud of our e-health project, a country-wide information system for the Ukrainian government. The system handles 30+ mln of accounts and tens of millions of personal records, and it is purposed to move all the medical documentation from offline to online in the entire country, this is a large-scale project that is a part of our country's medical reform and funded by a group of international donors including USAID. We also developed from scratch our own Kodjin FHIR server (, designed specifically for high-load systems, that provides unique configurability opportunities. We apply our experience & knowledge in designing, architecting, and developing sophisticated & high secured products, working as external RnD and product development teams. On top of the development, our strong team of Architects and Business analysts
Business Keywords
Backend development for high-load projects FHIR-first development of medical applications FHIR Facade Development SMART on FHIR web and mobile apps Custom FHIR profiling Client-oriented FHIR compliancy Mapping your data to FHIR
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
not complete
Work Time:
not complete
Website Rank
- visit: 758


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