General Information

Country: Australia (local time:)
Phone: 0730889131
Address:2620 Ipswich Rd, Darra, QLD, 4076




Business Summary
Desky company is a company that offers a Darra monitor arm. We have been around for several years and have helped thousands of people improve the ergonomics of their workspace. We are passionate about helping you get back to an ideal working environment, which is why they offer such a wide variety of products. We believe in the power of design. We have built our business on the idea that if you have an amazing product, people will come—and they will tell their friends. It is worked so far! Here is how we do it: we start with high-quality materials like steel, aluminum, and carbon fiber. Then we team up with some of the best designers in the world to come up with sleek styles that are beautiful as well as functional. Finally, we make sure that every piece of hardware meets our strict standards for functionality and durability. You can trust us because we have been doing this for years!
Business Keywords
standing desk, sit stand desk, stand up desk, ergonomic chair, monitor arm
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
not complete
Work Time:
not complete
Website Rank
- visit: 142


Product & Services

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