General Information

Country: Canada (local time:)
Phone: 844-876-8889
Address:493 Main St E, Units 1-8




Business Summary
Conovey manufactures sanitary conveyors, Span Tech modular conveyors, spiral conveyors, sorting and merging systems, robotic palletizing and case handling systems, vibratory feed and blending systems, and so much more. Conovey is an exceptional conveyor manufacturing company that has been awarded the prestigious Growth 500 award for Canada’s Fastest Growing Companies spanning 2015 through 2019 - five years in a row. Conovey is also a North American Manufacturing Representative for the following innovate companies: QC Conveyors, Dorner Conveyors, Hairise, GurkiPack, and LiftVrac. Conovey is a Slack based organization promoting open, real-time, collaborative communication and providing each individual team member and vendor a real voice about what happens in and around our company. Conovey produces ultra-detailed 3D CAD models for all projects, sharing these with their customers, and are constantly investing in new and innovative fabrication machinery and manufacturing techniques. Co
Business Keywords
conveyor manufacturers canada,industrial conveyor manufacturer,material handling conveyor,spantech conveyors,food packaging conveyor,elevating conveyor
General Information
Type of Business:
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Year established:
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Work Time:
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Website Rank
- visit: 346


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Product & Services

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