General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 310-358-9491
Address:613 N. La Cienega Blvd, West Hollywood, CA 90069




Business Summary
HIGH INTENSITY CROSS TRAINING Carrieʻs Pilates is a high intensity Pilates/Cross Training workout that is a combination of strength training, cardio and Pilates. It is the most effective workout program for strengthening, lengthening, toning and reshaping the body; creating a strong, lithe and lean physique. CARRIE’S FULL BODY BURN Carrieʻs signature 45 minute Carrie’s Full Body Burn is a challenging workout. Given that there are only two levels, this and beginner level, this class can be viewed as an advanced class. We do always recommend that first-timers take a beginner class but it is not required. This class emphasizes fast transitions (10 seconds or less) and extremely slow movements in each move. BEGINNER FORM CLASSES This class is a great place to start as the instructor breaks down the machine and goes in depth about every move. Every exercise is broken down in detail, clarifying which muscle groups the move targets, and form is discussed in great length. Though technically fo
Business Keywords
pilates, carrieʻs pilates, pilates ,pilates studio, crossfit workout
General Information
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