General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Address:1001 N Water St, suite 70, Milwaukee, WI 53202




Business Summary
In Car Donation Milwaukee, we simplify the act of charitable giving. It is our belief that most people want to make a difference and they want to do what they can to help out others; oftentimes, they just don’t know where to start. But did you know that you can donate your car to a business that helps to benefit and support children’s charity? You can donate cars, boats, snowmobiles and more to support charitable organizations that make a difference with Car Donation Milwaukee! Our charity wants to make sure that negative influences, difficulties with learning, family pressure, and financial stress aren’t given the opportunity to shape kids in a bad way. We believe that it is our duty to step in and offer our assistance. Kids need support and we are here to help provide it. The programs that we support allow kids to gain the resources that they need. We enjoy helping out with a network of mentors who are available to make a difference in the lives of these children. The funding that is
Business Keywords
Car donation | donate a car | car donation service | donate junk car | junk car donation | junk car donate | donation agency | car donation agency | auto donation | vehicle donation | boat donation | best car donation | car donation tax deductible | car donation free pick up | Milwaukee | WI.
General Information
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Website Rank
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