General Information

Country: India (local time:)
Phone: 08445297237
Address:Befykar Brands Pvt Ltd, 5/A Neogi Garden, Kolkata 700036




Business Summary
Who We Are Befykar is an e-commerce based online shopping platform that represents the spontaneity of fashion choices. With unique and original designs and a series of products in terms of fashion and accessories, we look forward to designing our products with the latest trends. As a brand, we focus on creating products that reflect the style, choice and personality of the youngsters. Everything we produce and create; no matter what we introduce to you, our main goal is to ensure that you can pamper yourself “Befykar hoke…” What Makes Us Different Befykar is committed to maintaining the integrity and vitality of its brand while building a business related to the ever-changing market and consumer tastes. The simplistic impulse behind Befykar involves foresight, hard work and perseverance. Befykar’s credo is to provide the youths with the best, because nothing is more important to us than satisfying our customers. The primary value of Befykar reflects the passion to create the fashion c
Business Keywords
Hindi quotes tshirts Funny tshirts Gym wear stylish
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
not complete
Work Time:
not complete
Website Rank
- visit: 555


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