General Information

Country: United Kingdom (local time:)
Phone: 07398178158
Address:Heathfield, Queen's Head Rd, Colchester, Essex CO4 5RG, United Kingdom




Business Summary
Permanent makeup, which uses coloured pigments, can be a game-changer if you're a busy parent who doesn't have time to do makeup before work every morning but still wants to look fantastic. It isn't permanent, but it does last longer than regular makeup. They're ideal for women of all ages and walks of life. A big plus: no more smudged makeup or running mascara! There's no need to worry about smudged makeup or terrible weather while swimming, on a trip, or a night out because nothing can smudge or run. We can discuss your desired results in a consultation to decide if permanent makeup is right for you—either in person or over the phone on 07398178158. Email: [email protected]
Business Keywords
permanent makeup clinic permanent makeup artist permanent makeup treatments cosmetic tattooing eyeliner permanent make up lip liner permanent makeup permanent makeup colchester makeup artist colchester
General Information
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Website Rank
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