General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 585-272-6170
Address:925 John St West Henrietta, NY 14586




Business Summary
musicFrom 1989 to 1999, RPC developed new precision optical surface-relief technology using government funding largely through the SBIR program and DARPA’s Technology Reinvestment (TRP) Program, and through industrial development contracts in conjunction with a number of large commercial and defense-related companies. By 1999, the technology that RPC had developed was ready for commercial applications. During the emerging optical telecommunications boom, RPC was acquired by Corning Incorporated in February 1999, renamed Corning Rochester Photonics Corporation (CRPC) and was a wholly-owned subsidiary of Corning. CRPC focused primarily on the development of new micro-optics components and systems for optical telecommunication systems. CRPC also worked closely with other Corning divisions to design and develop novel screen technology for rear projection displays employing the new emerging micro-display devices. Unfortunately, despite the success of its technology and process development
Business Keywords
Optoelectronic devices Injection molding companies near me Polycarbonate lense manufacturer Precision mold Acrylic lenses Micro molding Medical Optics Manufacturer TIR Optics Manufacturing Company Acrylic optics Compound Parabolic Concentrator Illumination Optics Manufacturing Company Plastic Optic manufacturing Polycarbonate optics Optical Systems Polymer Molding Diamond Turning diffractive optics manufacturing single point diamond turned optics diamond turning optics polymer injection molding microlens array optical diffuser optical plastic materials optical design manufacturing molded plastic optics Lens system designing Evaporative coatings injection molding plastic injection molders single point diamond turning health service company, Medical Supply Stores
General Information
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