General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 623-777-6363
Address:43042A N Outer Banks Dr, Desert Hills, AZ 85086




Business Summary
Designer Kitchen and Baths is your source for custom or standard bathroom projects. Our huge selection of products includes custom and standard sinks, baths and whirlpools, and cabinets. We also offer a full line of many stone slabs and countertops, tile flooring and backsplash material. If you are looking for one place to find all your bathroom project needs then Designer Kitchens and Baths are the places you are looking for. We offer a full line of all your bathroom needs and our experience and workmanship are unmatched. We also have the ability to work with almost any budget while still maintaining your design criteria. We guarantee that you will be satisfied with every aspect of your bathroom project.
Business Keywords
kitchen remodels in Anthem, kitchen remodeling in Anthem, kitchen remodel Anthem Arizona, Bathroom Remodeling in Anthem, Bathroom Designer, bathroom remodeling in Anthem AZ
General Information
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Website Rank
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