General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 800-217-1519
Address:3378 Peachtree Rd NE Ste 555 Atlanta, GA 30336




Business Summary
AKP works as a partner with companies to develop a strategic plan to launch or grow their businesses. Many times, a client has a potentially game-changing concept and needs help developing the idea, and that is where we intercede and rally their team around a clear course of action. Unlike other consulting firms, AKP focuses solely on start-up entrepreneurial endeavors which have many unique challenges and opportunities. AKP is typically hired by individuals, or small businesses to build them a stellar business credit profile to help obtain extreme amounts of business credit capital while showing them how to manage their business entity properly. We offer a comprehensive list of business development, growth, and management solutions for each of our clients. This includes: Incorporation Filings (C-Corps, S-Corps, Non-Profit Corps, Professional Corps) Limited Liability Company Filings (LLC’s and PLLC’s) DBA/Fictitious Name Filings Business Licenses and Permits Name Checks and Reservatio
Business Keywords
Consulting, Small Business, Start-Up Businesses, Marketing, Business Plans, Strategic Consulting
General Information
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Website Rank
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