General Information

Country: India (local time:)
Phone: 08575006060
Address:7-E, 1st Floor, Sarabha Nagar, Ludhiana, Punjab 141001




Business Summary
AAYNA Clinic, the Best Dermatology & Skin Clinic in Ludhiana, was born out of a dream to create something unique and timeless. It is a temple of beauty where we create and enhance beauty – both outer and inner. The idea was to give you a place where your desire to look and feel your best is met with at all levels and from head to toe! AAYNA Clinic offers the finest cosmetic dermatology and anti-ageing treatments using the latest skincare technology and innovations in the world. Our world-class experienced team of dermatologists, aesthetic doctors, and skin therapists are there to service you. To complement your looks and health, our weight loss and lifestyle modification program combines smart dietary regimes, US FDA approved technology.
Business Keywords
Dermatology Skin Clinic
General Information
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Website Rank
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