General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Address:94-485 Koaki St, Waipahu, HI 96797




Business Summary
Big, small, feathered, or furry, at Waipahu Waikele Pet Hospital your pet is treated as the beloved member of your family that he or she is. Since opening in 1972, the veterinary hospital has served the Waipahu and surrounding areas with the absolute finest in pet care. Experienced pet physicians and animal lovers alike, the diverse staff of Waipahu Waikele Pet Hospital works diligently to make sure your pets are loved, cared for, and nursed back to health in no time. As animal lovers, professionals, and companions themselves, the veterinarians take animal health seriously. They're proud to provide a wide range of exceptional services for all pets. The list of services the hospital offers you and your furry friends includes: dentistry, dermatology, x-rays, surgery, reproductive assistance, housebreaking, and acupuncture. 24/7 boarding and supervision is available when necessary, and the practice is equipped to handle all manner of exotic pets.
Business Keywords
Veterinarians, Veterinary Services, Pet Care
General Information
Type of Business:
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Year established:
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Website Rank
- visit: 1242


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