General Information

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Phone: 7736412975




Business Summary
Wynning Technologies is a Minority Female Veteran Owned IT Managed Service Provider with 14 years of experience in the Federal government and commercial arenas with a main focus in the healthcare, charter school and banking industries. Wynning Technologies not only manages IT services, but we also test the recoverability of the client’s environment in the case of a disaster. We handle all of your IT needs from start to finish to include incident and change management, so you don’t have to. We provide competitive vendor quotes when new hardware and software is needed. We give you the dedicated white glove feel where you aren’t just a number but thought of as a partner. All IT service can be streamlined and managed by one provider who is a subject matter expert that can provide IT consulting to ensure best practices are implemented.
Business Keywords
IT Support, Cloud Storage, IT Consulting, Disaster Recovery, IT Service Management
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
not complete
Work Time:
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Website Rank
- visit: 555


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