Wellesley School of Music offers a unique blend of music education and healing arts. Specializing in violin, piano, and voice lessons for ages 6-12, the school provides both in-person and online classes. Additionally, it offers eclectic services like ecstatic dance events, crystal reiki sound baths, and music composition guidance. The school's approach combines professional music training with creative expression and wellness, catering to a diverse community in Wellesley and beyond.
Music lessons near me, Music lessons, Vocal coaching, Online music classes, Vocal coaching near me, Beginner violin lessons, Piano training, Music composition courses, Violin instruction near me, Beginner violin lessons near me, Violin instruction, Ecstatic dance events, Ecstatic dance events near me, Holistic music education, Music studio services, Online music classes near me, Piano training near me, Wellesley music lessons, Music therapy sessions, Music composition courses near me, Natick music lessons, Voice training for children, reiki sound bath sessions, professional music teachers, interactive piano classes, creative music workshops, sound healing experiences, personalized music coaching, innovative music teaching, music wellness programs, online music classes wellesley, violin instruction in wellesley, piano training wellesley, vocal coaching wellesley, ecstatic dance events wellesley, reiki sound bath sessions wellesley, music composition courses wellesley, professional music