General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 718-749-9628
Country: United States
Address:5001 Rockaway Beach Blvd Far Rockaway, NY 11691




Business Summary
Water Damage Removal: There’s nothing wrong with water in a glass or a pitcher, but when it begins to flood your floor and seep into your home, it requires serious attention and professional work. A pipe burst doesn’t wait, so why should you? We can help. Mold Removal: A flood in your basement is enough of a problem, but when it’s allowed to move throughout your household, the threat of mold increases drastically. A wet floor is one thing, but mold can cause serious health problems. Act before it’s too late. Fire Damage Removal: When the unimaginable happens, have a team that can support you and give you a path towards rebuilding your home. No one wants to have a fire tear through their most prized possessions. Know that you have trained professionals here to get you through any situation.
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