Our Major Logistics BPO Outsourcing Services are:

Customer relationship management – It includes:

1. Inbound services – Order tracking, marketing
support, forms processing, credit card processing,
voice mail services, database management, sales
lead capture, reservation setting, tech support,
and much more.
2. Outbound services – Consist of customer service,
retention campaigns, product/sales services, and
much more.
# Logistics management automation software – It
enables the sophistication of reporting, analytics,
easy integration, centralized storage of all types
of data, single consolidated weekly invoice, and
much more.
# Logistics for trucking companies – With the help of
logistics for trucking company services, we will
help you to get an easy access to a high quality-
oriented transaction processing, data processing,
payment processing, business intelligence, and much
# Freight payment and pre-audit – Our service will
detect the inaccuracy in the billing process, and
ensure to focus a good amount of time in clearing
the payments and claiming the disputed bills.
# Freight payment and post-audit – We review every
invoice and ensure to correct the tariffs,
discounts, and classifications.
# Bill of lading generation – Our bill of lading
services will ensure a faster and an in-depth
streamlining flow of the goods and services for the
various logistics and transportation companies.
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