General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Address:13440 Southwest 120th Street #608, Miami, FL 33186




Business Summary
100 Montaditos is a gastronomic experience not to be missed. We have taken the quintessential flavor that Spain is renowned for and we have added a few ideas of our own. All of our ingredients are fresh, authentic, and delightful. Combined expertly, our ingredients include every culinary aspect of Spain, from our patented bread to our famous wine selection. A Montadito is a staple of the culinary arts from Spain. It is a unique tapa-sized rolls of bread similar to a baguette but wider and with a twist. Each montadito is filled with the best fresh ingredients from Spain. What better place to enjoy a match, a casual lunch with friends, or a night out on the town. Come and experience a taste of Spain.
Business Keywords
restaurant, Tapas restaurant
General Information
Type of Business:
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Year established:
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Website Rank
- visit: 127


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