General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Address:1605A S.Main St, Milpitas




Business Summary
TeroTAM is an Intelligent Cloud based CMMS software that enables you to Manage and Track your Assets, Handle and track Task and complains, internal communication and much more on the same platform. Description: TeroTAM is a Computerized Maintenance and Management System (CMMS) that manages, maintains and controls high-value Assets using high-end analytics to optimize the level of performance and expand the life cycle of your assets. TeroTAM also helps you with multiple solutions like Asset Tracking, Complaint Tracking, and Management, Facility Management, Task Management with smart tracking, internal communication with high-end features like QR Code scanning and Digital signature. With Enriched Experience of a decade in the IT industry, we found management and maintenance of business assets and operations is a very challenging part. Hence with our Experienced and Enthusiastic team of developers, we started building a CMMS solution that helps manage, track and handle all business op
Business Keywords
CMMS Software
General Information
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