Phone : 072 261 4324 ***
We enable our community in Nkomazi, Masibekela, Tonga, Naas, Kamhlushwa, Vlakbult, Langeloop, Block B, Kamaqhekeza, Ka Hoiy, Mzinti, Mbuzini, Mangweni, Mthunda, Ntunda, Steenbok, and Phiva to get online by installing fast, reliable, safe, and affordable internet. We back that up with world-class support and education at a price point that is affordable for all.
We will only be satisfied when every community member in these areas has access to cost-effective internet connectivity provided by techCONNECT, your trusted Nkomazi ISP. Our aim is to keep them and their kids protected while online, giving them access to the world of knowledge and entertainment, and ensuring they don't miss out on opportunities that the rest of the world takes for granted.
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