General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 9856431158
Address:107 S Military Rd. Ste #3, Slidell, LA 70461




Business Summary
Understanding all the ins and outs of everything insurance related is a daunting task to say the least. You are already being pulled in so many different directions daily, and the last thing you should be worrying about is planning your own insurance policies. The desire to simplify the process can feel like a distant and impossible reality, but at Southern Ambit Insurance, we make simplicity possible. We understand the many details — big and small — that directly affect life-changing events, and are ready to find the best policy to protect you when the unexpected occurs. Our team has over 80 years combined experience and strives to provide the best customer service possible. Our process is thorough, and involves a deep dive into all the risks and rewards of an insurance policy to ensure that our customers get the best product for the best outcome. We believe in going above and beyond by evaluating every option available, even if it means splitting the risk across several companies to
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