General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 347-706-1875
Address:18 E 68th St Manhattan, NY 10065




Business Summary
Hours: Monday - Thursday Open 24 hours, Friday 9am–7pm, Saturday 9am–9pm, Sunday 10am–7pm Payment Types: Cash, all cc Description: So, it’s time for you to get yourself in a new set of wheels. You probably have plenty of questions and more options than you can count. At Sedan Lease, trusted leasing company in New York, we want to help you cut through the noise and get right to what you really are looking for: an affordable, safe auto lease in New York City. Now, it is easy to toot our horn and say we’re the best car leasing service in NYC, but we’d rather let our inventory and customer service do the talking for us. Give Sedan Lease a call and experience the difference yourself, we think you’ll see right away why people love leasing from New York Lease Car. If you have a junk car, or an old car, truck, or SUV thats doing nothing more than taking up space on your property its time to sell and get fast cash for cars. Call us. We offer a FREE pickup in New York and New Jersey.
Business Keywords
Sedan lease, Sedan leasing, Sedan auto lease, SedanP auto leasing, lease a Sedan , leasing a Sedan , Sedan lease deals, Sedan lease deals, Sedan leasing deals
General Information
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Website Rank
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