General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Country: United States
Address:8731 Katy Fwy, Suite #125, Houston, Texas, 77024




Business Summary
Sleep apnea is one of the most common health problems and affects nearly 20 million Americans. The problem happens when your breathing pauses during sleep and starts again with a loud gasp. Samuel E. Cress, DDS, is here to change your life with our Houston sleep apnea dentistry practice. If you are like most people, you have had issues with your dental health at one time or another. Dental health is something that most people do not think about until something goes wrong. While some oral dental problems are small and insignificant, others can significantly impact patients' lives. Many people will suffer through years of bad breath, tooth decay, and other dental problems before they make an effort to seek treatment.
Business Keywords
dentist near Houston, sleep dentist in Houston, sleep apnea dentist in Houston, sleep apnea dentistry near Houston, cosmetic dentist Houston, Houston dentist, Houston sleep dentist, Houston sleep apnea dentist, Houston sleep apnea dentistry,
General Information
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Website Rank
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