General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Address:650 Castro St, Suite 120/385, 940




Business Summary
Revenue Grid is an AI Guided Selling platform that nudges sales teams with step-by-step guidance towards actions that bring best results, deals at risk, and steps with the greatest impact. Guided Selling is a new concept in B2B selling that focuses on the needs and challenges of sales teams. Our philosophy is to provide step-by-step guidance on each deal reps have in their pipeline and help sales teams be in the best position to win by: – Having complete visibility into the pipeline, deals, and team activity – Gaining a better grip on the sales process, automating routines, and giving reps the power to push deals through the funnel – Getting guidance on deals and engagement as easy-to-follow, proactive Signals based on AI-analysis, complete communication data, and teams’ own sales processes and playbooks.
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