General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 323-424-3296
Address:7972 Melrose Ave.




Business Summary
Founded in 2016, Radikal Neon is a team of LED neon designers that sell both pre-designed signs and custom commission pieces. With our first offices opening in New Zealand, we’ve since expanded and have a second retail store in Los Angeles while shipping internationally. Our team takes pride in bringing the nostalgia of the past to the modern day with affordable and accessible LED technology. While traditional neon is expensive to craft, made with delicate glass, and uses far more energy, Radikal’s LED alternative does the opposite of each. LED is far more affordable, uses durable silicon diffusers to protect the LEDs, and operates on a 12V standard. Our customers are our priority, from the time an order is placed to the moment their sign is hung up. We work with you to get your design just right, and send you a design proof before we start work to make sure we get every detail perfect. We’re one of the fastest-producing LED companies in the world, so your order will be done in no ti
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