General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Address:700 Cass St., Ste 202D-1, Monterey, CA 93940




Business Summary
Monterey License Attorney has expertise representing professionals before state licensing bodies. Each practitioner's presence before the board is an opportunity to validate best practices or mitigate harmless mistakes. Our extensive expertise provides us with intimate knowledge of the people and processes that govern licensing hearings, which is crucial to successfully representing licensed professions. An alleged infringement is not usually reported to the licensing board first. Many cases begin as criminal allegations and swiftly escalate into parallel investigations, including state or federal criminal courts and the Boards. Monterey License Attorney handles both investigations and employs the best professionals to analyze patient records, billing data, and impairment issues.
Business Keywords
Monterey Criminal Attorney Monterey, CA., Domestic violence Attorney. DUI Attorney Monterey, CA., Drug crime Attorney Monterey, CA., sex crime Attorney Monterey, CA., Child Sexual Abuse Attorney Monterey, CA., domestic violence attorney free consultation Monterey, CA., domestic violence attorney near me in Monterey, CA., domestic violence defense attorney Monterey, CA.
General Information
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