General Information

Country: Singapore (local time:)
Phone: +65 9230 0123
Country: Singapore
Address:Health is in your hands. Founded in 2001, Minmed Group is a multifaceted healthcare group with focus on health screening, primary healthcare, telemedicine, diagnostic imaging, fitness and nutrition. At Minmed, we are all about getting you well, staying you healthy and keeping you fit. We believe in harnessing technology to improve health through screening, fitness, and nutrition by placing access in your hands and building support around you. Our push continues in this changing landscape so tha




Business Summary
Health is in your hands. Founded in 2001, Minmed Group is a multifaceted healthcare group with focus on health screening, primary healthcare, telemedicine, diagnostic imaging, fitness and nutrition. At Minmed, we are all about getting you well, staying you healthy and keeping you fit. We believe in harnessing technology to improve health through screening, fitness, and nutrition by placing access in your hands and building support around you. Our push continues in this changing landscape so that we stay relevant for you. The consumer sits in the centre of it all. The user experience, and your touch points with our staff are carefully thought through and served with heart. We are about the solutions, and solutions that bring about change. Our people matter. With a dynamic workforce and a flat hierarchy, getting things done fast comes easy. Learning, testing and growing form our cultural DNA. Often, the bests of ideas comes from the simplest of us.
Business Keywords
Executive Health Screening, Clinic Health Screening, Medical Services, Teleconsult Doctor, Dental Services, Homebased Health Screening, Vaccinations, Minmed Clinics
General Information
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Website Rank
- visit: 64


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