General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Address:301 N. Canon Dr. Suite #320, Beverly Hills, CA 90210


301 N. Canon Dr. Suite #320, Beverly Hills, CA 90210



Business Summary
George Chakmakis has practiced personal injury law since 1992. He has been rated as a Super Lawyer in the field of Personal Injury Law every year since 2014. The Super Lawyers list has been published in Los Angeles Magazine and the New York Times. Mr. Chakmakis is the principal attorney and founder of Chakmakis Law, a Beverly Hills based law firm that only represents injury and wrongful death victims. His specialization and exclusive focus on vehicle related injuries (involving car crashes, motorcycles, trucks, and pedestrians) allows him to get superior results: maximum value settlements, as quickly as possible. These settlements are possible because the insurance companies know that Mr. Chakmakis has the experience and tools to win. After graduation from UCLA, attorney Chakmakis attended Southwestern University and served as the President of his law school. He also worked at a large law firm with over 100 lawyers as a Law Clerk and eventually became an Associate Attorney at
Business Keywords
A personal injury lawyer at Beverly Hills, CA. lawyer in Beverly Hills, CA. Law legal Beverly Hills, CA.
General Information
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Website Rank
- visit: 456


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