The My Safe Florida Home is no longer first come, first served. And it now extends to condo owners.
Colleagues recall her years as regional chancellor as the school and the city around it entered an era of growth.
The system has just a 10% of further developing, but is a bit of a rarity this early in the year, according to the National Hurricane Center.
Down two games in its first-round series, Tampa Bay can draw from its past in trying to shift momentum.
It’s not just hurricanes and rainy days that threaten vulnerable St. Pete neighborhoods like Shore Acres. It’s also the tides.
The 300-seat Cody’s had operated in the Harbor shopping complex for 18 years.
A Hillsborough county assessment found the Palm River and Progress Village communities are particularly vulnerable to warming temperatures.
General manager Jason Licht’s formula includes finding prospects that not only have talent, but also possess the character traits of a certain player.




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