Beware of self-indulgence. The romance surrounding the writing profession carries several myths: that one must suffer in order to be creative; that one must be cantankerous and objectionable in order to be bright; that ego is paramount over skill; that one can rise to a level from which one can tell the reader to go to hell. These myths, if believed, can ruin you. If you believe you can make a living as a writer, you already have enough ego.
David Brin

Welcome to…

A writer has to be hungry. And I’m not talking about cutting out carbs and sugars to achieve the thin angular frame of a supermodel. I mean hungry for adventure in strange new worlds, and for the camaraderie of others who know what it means to travel in…or create those worlds themselves.

This site showcases some of my own writing– mostly film scripts, but other pieces of poetry and fiction as well. My goal is simply to share and generate feedback from other readers and writers like myself.

Someday, perhaps, someone will read what’s showcased here and decide to throw a bunch of money in my direction, but until then I remain yours truly,

the Starving Writer

The Starving Writer can be contacted at

Old Typewriter
How can one distinguish one’s self from all the hack monkeys typing away out there? Good writing is a start, but a writer should have fashion sense as well.

Click here to check out Starvingwriter’s all new line of t-shirts and accessories at